
What is the Root Chakra Responsible for?

What is the Root Chakra Responsible for?

Root Chakra is the first chakra and the sanskrit name of Root Chakra is: MULADHARA Chakra. Every chakra in our body (Human Body) is responsible for some emotional, physical and mental health, changes, issues, elements, progress and energies. Herein, we’re going...

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What are the 7 Chakras in Our Body

What are the 7 Chakras in Our Body

To know and understand what are the 7 chakras in our body, lets first know what is a chakra. “Chakras” is a word taken from the Sanskrit language and meaning “Wheel”. There are different and extensive information about them. In Asia these...

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How to Overcome Anxiety in 15 Minutes

How to Overcome Anxiety in 15 Minutes

The anxiety – Can we stop being anxious willingly? If yes, then How to overcome Anxiety? Nature never does anything random. In the evolution of humanity, everything has a positive objective. Most of the psychic symptoms appear as a consequence of the excess of...

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